The Farm Dayhab

During online treatment, you will learn coping skills to help you deal with the stress & triggers of everyday life, whilst being in your environment, reducing chances of relapse. The tools you will gain will enable you to apply them whilst in your daily life, providing you with a solid foundation.

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Why try online rehab?

Have you or a loved one tried and failed at residential rehab programs due to work, family or financial constraints? Attending a live-in rehab facility may not always be feasible or practical for addressing an addiction for everyone. In these cases, online rehab can provide an effective alternative solution. As internet connectivity has improved, evidence-based addiction treatment is now available via tele-health/online options at an affordable price with the flexibility and convenience of participating from anywhere. 

What’s on offer at online rehab?

Online rehab programs offer counseling, therapy, support groups and medication management remotely using high-definition video, mobile apps for messaging counselors, online workbooks and more.  The same well-established treatment approaches as traditional rehab like CBT, DBT, Motivational Interviewing and Medication-Assisted Treatment for opioid use disorder can be delivered digitally.  Both group counseling and private one-on-one sessions are often provided based on individual needs and goals. 

The key benefits of online rehab include:

•Accessibility and convenience - Participate from any location, at any time. No commute or time off from work or school required. 

•Affordability - Lower costs than residential rehab or in-person options. Fees are for counseling services, not additional living expenses. 

•Anonymity - Some people feel less stigmatised attending online groups versus in-person. Easier to attend without others knowing. 

•Family-friendly - Easier to keep family responsibilities and commitments while receiving treatment. Spouses or children do not also have to be at the rehab facility. 

Both licensed therapists and peer support specialists are available 24 hours a day with online resources for continued support and recovery maintenance.  Private insurance frequently covers medically-assisted treatment for substance use disorders delivered via telehealth. 

For those unable to leave home or work for an extended rehab stay, online options provide real hope for overcoming addiction challenges through effective treatment and support. The time for help is now - contact Findrehab today to start building a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Recovery is possible, even from anywhere. 

Ready to dive in? Start your recovery journey.

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