The Importance of Choosing the Right Rehab on the First Attempt In the UK

Choose the right rehab in the UK

Choosing the right substance abuse treatment program is critically important. For many seeking help for addiction, they only have access to one opportunity for rehab due to monetary restrictions and other barriers to care(1). This means they must make the right decision the first time.

What are the problems getting into rehab in the UK?

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that there were 4,359 deaths due to drug poisonings in England and Wales in 2018, a rise of 16% on the previous year. It also reported that 2,917 of these were deaths from drug misuse: an increase of 17% from 2017 (2). For those who managed to get into a rehab programme, the factors which determine success are:

• Treatment type: Inpatient, outpatient, residential  and long-term programs yield better outcomes(3). 

•Program quality: Accreditation, staff credentials and experience, evidence-based practices and aftercare support improve success rates(4).

• Individualised care: Programs tailored to each patient's specific addiction, co-occurring conditions, and personal needs result in better retention(5).

At, we understand that for many, they have one chance at finding the best rehab program within their constraints.

Our mission is to help you make the right decision on the first try. We provide:   

• An extensive database of the most effective UK addiction treatment providers, based on decades of patient outcomes data.    

• A detailed needs analysis to determine the treatment type and program features that will best suit you as an individual. 

•Guidance from addiction experts to help identify programs that align with the most evidence-based practices for long-term recovery success.

Get it right first time

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and considering rehab, getting it right the first time is critical. can help you make that all-important first choice count. Let's discuss your situation and needs to find the best program fit and start you on the path to lasting recovery.

Frequently asked questions

Why is choosing the right rehab program the first time so important?

For many people struggling with addiction, they only have one chance to get into a rehab program due to financial or other restrictions. Making the wrong choice for their treatment can reduce the chances of a successful long-term recovery. Getting into the most suitable program the first time is critical.

What factors most determine the success of addiction treatment?

The most impactful factors are: the type of treatment program (inpatient, residential, etc.), the quality and accreditation of the program, personalised care tailored to an individual's specific needs, and aftercare support services.

How can help me choose the best program?

We have a large database of the most effective UK addiction treatment providers based on patient outcomes data. We can perform a needs analysis to determine the treatment type and features that will work best for you. Our addiction experts can then recommend programs that align with evidence-based practices for long-lasting recovery.

What should I look for when evaluating potential rehab programs?

Focus on these key factors: the treatment types offered and their effectiveness rates, the credentials and experience of the staff, whether the program follows evidence-based practices, accreditation and regulatory approval status, reviews and testimonials from past patients, aftercare support included, and how well they can accommodate your individual needs.

Ready to dive in? Start your recovery journey.

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