The difference between residential rehab and an at home online option

Online Rehab

At a certain point, when rehab is the best option to improve your situation. You may have a choice of residential rehab or an intensive online option. Both have their advantages. Read on to find out the difference.

What are the differences between residential rehab and online rehab?

When starting your recovery journey or even to maintain it you can choose various routes. Residential rehab has its obvious advantages. You will be in a secure, safe and monitored location, away from triggers of your normal surroundings. You will have access to therapists, workshops and possibly health benefits such as a gym and meal plans.

Another option is an intensive online outpatient programme. The advantages here are firstly cost.

Signing up to an online programme is significantly cheaper than a residential option. This doesn't mean you'll be able to skip the meetings. There is a strict code of conduct when joining an outpatient option, such as; not being inebriated whilst attending, joining every session on time and daily, participating.

Secondly, you will be in your own environment. The hardest part of leaving a rehab facility is going back to your old way of life. This isn't a factor with an online programme as it is conducted at a place you are already used to.

Thirdly, you will benefit from weekly 1-1 sessions with a trained addiction therapist. This is invaluable in helping when you want to discuss something you wouldn't feel comfortable sharing in a group setting.

Not everyone is suitable for an online programme, if you require a medicated detox or supervision, this will need to be done in a hospital or an appropriate rehab facility, please see some options here

Please call us to discuss your suitability on 020 3148 4945 or enquire at

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