Am I An Alcoholic - How, Why, Where, Who, and When to Seek Help for Alcoholism

Am I an Alcoholic?

Many individuals have come to the realisation that they are struggling with alcoholism. In this article, we will explore the question, "Am I an alcoholic - now what?" We will discuss how to recognise alcoholism, why it happens, where to seek help, who can support you, and when to begin your recovery. Ultimately, getting in touch with Find Rehab is the best way to start the road to recovery.

How Do I Know If I Am An Alcoholic?

Recognising alcohol addiction can be a complex process. Here are some signs that you may be struggling with alcoholism:

1. Drinking more than intended

2. Failed attempts to reduce or stop drinking

3. Spending a significant amount of time obtaining, consuming, and recovering from alcohol

4. Cravings or urges to drink

5. Neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home due to alcohol use

6. Continuing to drink despite the negative consequences

7. Giving up important activities or hobbies in favour of drinking

8. Increasing tolerance to alcohol

9. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking

If you identify with any or several of these signs, it may be time to confront the possibility that you are an alcoholic.

Why Seek Help for Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive disease that can lead to severe physical, mental, and emotional consequences if left untreated. Seeking help for alcoholism can provide you with the support, resources, and guidance you need to break the cycle of addiction and reclaim your life. Some benefits of seeking help include:

1. Improved physical health

2. Better mental and emotional well-being

3. Stronger relationships with friends and family

4. Greater financial stability

5. Increased self-esteem and self-worth

6. A renewed sense of purpose and direction

Where Can I Find Help for Alcoholism?

If you're struggling with alcoholism, you may feel overwhelmed by the countless treatment options available. At Find Rehab, we understand that navigating the world of addiction recovery can be challenging. That's why our team of experts is dedicated to connecting you with the best treatment resources tailored to your unique needs. Some of the services we can help you find include:

1. Inpatient rehab centres

2. Outpatient treatment programmes

3. Detox facilities

4. Individual and group therapy

5. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous

6. Medication-assisted treatment

Who Can Help Me Overcome Alcoholism?

Recovery from alcoholism is a team effort, and you don't have to go it alone. At Find Rehab, we believe that a strong support network is essential for long-term success in recovery. Here are some of the people who can help you overcome alcoholism:

1. Addiction counsellors and therapists

2. Medical professionals

3. Family members and friends

4. Support group members

5. Sober companions or sponsors

When Should I Seek Help for Alcoholism?

The best time to seek help for alcoholism is now. If you're questioning whether or not you have a problem with alcohol, it's likely that your drinking has already begun to negatively impact your life. The sooner you seek help, the greater your chances of achieving lasting recovery


Asking "Am I an alcoholic" can be a difficult and emotional experience. But by seeking help from professionals and support networks, you can overcome alcoholism and create a brighter, healthier future. At Find Rehab, we're committed to helping you find the best resources and treatment options for your unique needs. Contact us today to start your journey towards recovery.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if I am an alcoholic?

You may be an alcoholic if you exhibit several signs, such as drinking more than intended, neglecting responsibilities due to alcohol use, and experiencing withdrawal symptomS.

Why should I seek help for alcoholism?

Seeking help for alcoholism can improve your physical health, emotional well-being, relationships, financial stability, and overall quality of life.

Where can I find help for alcoholism?

Find Rehab can connect you with a variety of treatment resources, including inpatient rehab centres, outpatient programmes, detox facilities, therapy, support groups, and medication-assisted treatment.

When is the best time to seek help for alcoholism?

The best time to seek help for alcoholism is now. The sooner you begin your recovery journey, the greater your chances of achieving lasting sobriety.

Ready to dive in? Start your recovery journey.

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