Alcohol Rehab Worthing: Overcoming Alcoholism and Addiction

Alcohol Rehab Worthing

Alcohol addiction is a growing problem across the UK, causing harm to individuals, families, and society. Government stats show nearly 6% of adults in England regularly consume alcohol in a dangerous way. For those struggling with drug and alcohol in Worthing and surrounding areas, an alcohol rehab centre provides treatment and support, offering the best chance for breaking free from addiction.

Understanding Alcoholism

Understanding alcohol addictions is crucial for recognizing the signs and symptoms and seeking appropriate treatment. Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder, alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence, is defined as the inability to control or stop drinking despite alcohol-related problems. As tolerance builds, more and more alcohol is required to achieve the desired effect. Over time, dopamine production is impacted, compelling the drinker to consume alcohol simply to feel “normal.” This phenomenon helps explain why attempts to “cut back” or quit typically fail.

Alcohol addiction is a progressive disease that intensifies over time as the user becomes physically and psychologically dependent. The drinker experiences powerful cravings for alcohol and increasingly neglects responsibilities in favour of drinking. Relationships deteriorate, work suffers, and health declines. The individual may try repeatedly to quit or moderate their intake only to relapse back into unhealthy overconsumption. Without proper treatment, alcoholism follows a predictable downward spiral.

The Devastating Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Long-term excessive alcohol addiction wreaks havoc on nearly every part of the body and mind. Potential physical complications include:

  • Liver disease – fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis
  • Digestive problems – stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, diarrhoea
  • Cardiovascular disease – high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia
  • Nervous system damage – alcoholic neuropathy, dementia, seizures
  • Cancer – liver, colon, rectal, breast, prostate, oesophageal
  • Weakened immune system – increased infections and illness
  • Hormonal imbalances – erectile dysfunction, irregular menstruation
  • Muscle myopathy – muscle weakness, cramps, pain
  • Skin problems – spider veins, easy bruising, facial redness

In addition to these potential physical impacts, alcohol addiction also takes a devastating toll on mental health and interpersonal relationships. The drinker often experiences:

  • Depression, anxiety, irritability
  • Impaired judgement and decision making
  • Learning and memory difficulties
  • Social isolation and loneliness
  • Loss of interest in activities and hobbies
  • Strained familial relationships
  • Conflicts with friends, colleagues, employers
  • Financial troubles
  • Legal problems – DUIs, public intoxication

When addiction is allowed to spiral out of control, the drinker faces greatly elevated risks of withdrawal symptoms, accidents, injuries, violence, suicide, and premature death. Family members also commonly endure psychological trauma and co-dependency issues. Substance abuse, including alcohol addiction, requires professional intervention to prevent long-term damage.

Drug or Alcohol Addiction

While this article primarily focuses on alcohol addiction, it’s important to note that many individuals struggle with drug addiction or a combination of drug and alcohol addiction. The principles of addiction and treatment discussed here often apply to both substance use disorders. Drug and alcohol rehab facilities provide integrated treatment for individuals with multiple substance dependencies.

Drug addiction shares many similarities with alcohol addiction, including:

  • Physical and psychological dependence
  • Tolerance build-up
  • Withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit
  • Negative impacts on physical and mental health
  • Strained relationships and social difficulties
  • Professional and financial problems

Common drugs of abuse include:

  • Opioids (heroin, prescription painkillers)
  • Stimulants (cocaine, methamphetamine)
  • Marijuana
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Hallucinogens

Many individuals with substance use disorders engage in polysubstance abuse, using multiple drugs or combining drugs with alcohol. This can complicate the addiction and make treatment more challenging, requiring specialized care to address all substances involved.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction

For those struggling with drug and alcohol addictions, comprehensive treatment is crucial. Dual addiction often requires a more intensive approach to address the complexities of multiple substance dependencies. Treatment for drug and alcohol addiction typically involves:

  1. Medically supervised detoxification to safely manage withdrawal from both substances
  2. Integrated therapy addressing the underlying causes of both addictions
  3. Specialized relapse prevention strategies for multiple substances
  4. Education on the interactions and combined risks of drug and alcohol use
  5. Support groups catering to individuals with multiple addictions (e.g., Narcotics Anonymous in addition to Alcoholics Anonymous)

Treatment facilities in Worthing and the surrounding areas are equipped to handle complex cases of drug and alcohol addiction, providing tailored care to meet individual needs.

Addiction Treatment

Effective addiction treatment involves a comprehensive approach addressing the physical, psychological, and social aspects of substance use disorders. Key components of addiction treatment include:

  1. Assessment and Diagnosis: A thorough evaluation to determine the extent of addiction and any co-occurring mental health conditions.
  2. Medical Detox: Supervised withdrawal management to ensure safety and comfort during the detoxification process.
  3. Therapy: Various forms of counseling, including individual, group, and family therapy, to address underlying issues and develop coping skills.
  4. Medication-Assisted Treatment: When appropriate, medications may be used to manage cravings and support recovery.
  5. Education: Learning about addiction, its effects, and strategies for maintaining sobriety.
  6. Relapse Prevention: Developing a personalized plan to identify triggers and prevent relapse.
  7. Aftercare Planning: Creating a support system and follow-up care plan for continued recovery post-treatment.

Addiction treatment can take place in various settings, including inpatient rehab facilities, outpatient clinics, and community support groups. The most appropriate treatment setting depends on the individual’s needs, addiction severity, and personal circumstances. Seeking treatment in a professional setting can significantly improve the chances of recovery.

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction, or alcohol use disorder, is characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences. It is a complex condition influenced by genetic, psychological, and environmental factors. Treatment for alcohol and drug addiction often requires a comprehensive and integrated approach.

Signs of alcohol addiction include:

  1. Drinking more or longer than intended
  2. Unsuccessful attempts to cut down or stop drinking
  3. Spending a lot of time drinking or recovering from drinking
  4. Experiencing strong cravings for alcohol
  5. Failing to fulfill major obligations due to drinking
  6. Continuing to drink despite it causing or worsening problems
  7. Giving up important activities because of alcohol use
  8. Drinking in dangerous situations (e.g., while driving)
  9. Developing a tolerance (needing more alcohol to get the same effect)
  10. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking

Recognizing these signs is crucial for early intervention and treatment. If you or someone you know is exhibiting these symptoms, seeking professional help is essential for recovery.

Alcohol Rehab Worthing

Worthing offers several options for alcohol rehabilitation, catering to individuals at different stages of addiction and recovery. These facilities provide structured environments where individuals can focus on overcoming their addiction without the distractions and triggers of everyday life.

Key features of alcohol rehab in Worthing include:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Upon admission, patients undergo a thorough evaluation to determine their physical and mental health status, addiction severity, and any co-occurring disorders.
  2. Medically Assisted Detox: Many rehab centers offer on-site detoxification services to manage withdrawal symptoms safely and comfortably.
  3. Evidence-Based Therapies: Treatment programs utilize proven therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET).
  4. Holistic Treatments: Many facilities incorporate complementary therapies like yoga, meditation, art therapy, and fitness programs to support overall well-being.
  5. Aftercare Planning: Before discharge, patients work with their treatment team to develop a comprehensive aftercare plan, which may include outpatient therapy, support group attendance, and relapse prevention strategies.
  6. Family Involvement: Many rehab programs offer family therapy and education to help heal relationships and create a supportive home environment for recovery.
  7. Dual Diagnosis Treatment: For individuals with co-occurring mental health disorders, integrated treatment addressing both addiction and mental health is provided.

When choosing an alcohol rehab in Worthing, consider factors such as:

  • Treatment approaches and philosophies
  • Staff qualifications and expertise
  • Facility amenities and environment
  • Cost and insurance coverage
  • Aftercare support and alumni programs
  • Length of program (typically 28-90 days)
  • Accreditation and licensing

Remember, the most effective treatment is tailored to the individual’s unique needs and circumstances. It’s essential to research and visit potential facilities to find the best fit for your recovery journey.

Recovery Lighthouse, located near Worthing, is one example of a reputable alcohol rehab facility in the area. They offer a range of evidence-based treatments and support services to help individuals overcome alcohol addiction and maintain long-term sobriety.


Overcoming alcohol addiction is a challenging but achievable goal with the right support and treatment. Worthing and the surrounding areas offer various options for those seeking help, from inpatient rehab facilities to outpatient programs and support groups. By acknowledging the problem and seeking professional help, individuals can take the first step towards reclaiming their lives from the grip of addiction.

Remember, recovery is a journey, not a destination. With perseverance, support, and the right treatment approach, long-term sobriety and a fulfilling life free from alcohol dependence are within reach. Seeking help for drug abuse is equally important for achieving long-term recovery. If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol addiction in Worthing, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Contact a local rehab facility or addiction specialist to start your journey to recovery today.

Frequently asked questions

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder or alcohol dependence, is the inability to control alcohol consumption despite negative consequences. It is a progressive disease that worsens over time as tolerance increases.

What are some signs of alcoholism?

Common signs include frequently drinking alone, drinking in the morning, hiding alcohol use, blackouts, neglecting responsibilities to drink, unsuccessful attempts to cut back, and experiencing cravings. As it progresses, the addiction takes increasing priority over everything else in the person's life.

Why is alcohol so addictive?

Alcohol activates the brain's reward system by increasing dopamine levels, which reinforces repeated consumption. Over time it alters neurotransmitters, making the brain dependent on alcohol to feel pleasure and avoid distress. This makes addiction very difficult to overcome alone.

What health problems are caused by alcoholism?

Chronic alcohol abuse can cause liver disease, digestive issues, cancer, heart problems, brain damage, hormone disruption, weakened immunity, and much more. Mental health is also negatively impacted.

Is alcohol rehab necessary for recovery?

While some succeed in quitting without rehab, most need support and structure to break addiction's grip. Rehab provides medical oversight, therapy, peer support, healthy habits, relapse prevention skills, aftercare planning and more - all in an alcohol-free environment.

What happens during alcohol rehab?

Rehab begins with detox if needed, followed by various therapies like CBT, motivational, dialectical behavior, family and individual counselling. Group support, alcohol education, 12-step introduction, f

How long does alcohol rehab last?

Typical stays range from 30-90 days. Short term programs (7-14 days) are less effective for most. Some do intensive outpatient rehab several hours a day while living at home. Overall time required depends on addiction severity.

How do I pay for alcohol rehab?

Using insurance, securing financing if needed, payment plans, or self pay are options. Many facilities work with clients to make treatment affordable. Government and non-profit funding may be available. Consult with the rehab admissions team about costs.

Where can I find alcohol rehab near me?

Quality alcohol rehab facilities exist in and around Worthing. Research each option's treatment approach, staff credentials, amenities, dual diagnosis services, alumni support and costs. Read reviews and verify proper licensing. Reach out to us now for guidance locating the best match.

What happens after finishing rehab?

Ongoing aftercare is vital to maintain sobriety post-treatment. This includes follow-up counselling, peer support groups, recovery housing, and utilising the relapse prevention tactics learned. Many rehab alumni programs provide continued community and accountability.

Ready to dive in? Start your recovery journey.

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